1 | Free Standing Wall | Free Standing Masonry & Conctere Wall Design Based on TMS 402-08 & ACI 318-08 |
2 | Eccentric Footing | Eccentric Footing Design Based on ACI 318-08 |
3 | Flagpole | Flagpole Footing Design Based on Chapter 18 of IBC & CBC |
4 | Masonry Retaining Wall | Masonry Retaining / Fence Wall Design Based on TMS 402-08 & ACI 318-08 |
5 | Concrete Retaining Wall | Concrete Retaining Wall Design Based on ACI 318-08 |
6 | Masonry-Concrete Retaining Wall | Retaining Wall Design, for Masonry Top & Concrete Bottom, Based on TMS 402-08 & ACI 318-08 |
7 | Concrete Pier | Concrete Pier (Isolated Deep Foundation) Design Based on ACI 318-08 |
8 | Concrete Pile | Drilled Cast-in-place Pile Design Based on ACI 318-08 |
9 | Pile Caps | Pile Cap Design for 4, 3, 2-Piles Pattern Based on ACI 318-08 |
10 | Pile Cap Balanced Loads | Determination of Pile Cap Balanced Loads and Reactions |
11 | Conventional Slab on Grade | Design of Conventional Slabs on Expansive & Compressible Soil Grade Based on ACI 360 |
12 | PT-Slab on Ground | Design of PT Slabs on Expansive & Compressible Soil Based on PTI 3rd Edition |
13 | Basement Concrete Wall | Basement Concrete Wall Design Based on ACI 318-08 |
14 | Basement Masonry Wall | Basement Masonry Wall Design Based on TMS 402-08 |
15 | Basement Column | Basement Column Supporting Lateral Resisting Frame Based on ACI 318-08 |
16 | MRF-Grade Beam | Grade Beam Design for Moment Resisting Frame Based on ACI 318-05 |
17 | Brace Grade Beam | Grade Beam Design for Brace Frame Based on ACI 318-08 |
18 | Grade Beam | Two Pads with Grade Beam Design Based on ACI 318-08 & AISC 360-05 |
19 | Circular Footing | Circular Footing Design Based on ACI 318-08 |
20 | Combined Footing | Combined Footing Design Based on ACI 318-08 |
21 | Boundary Spring Generator | Mat Boundary Spring Generator |
22 | Deep Footing | Deep Footing Design Based on ACI 318-08 |
23 | Footing at Piping | Design of Footing at Piping Based on ACI 318-08 |
24 | Irregular Footing Soil Pressure | Soil Pressure Determination for Irregular Footing |
25 | PAD Footing | Pad Footing Design Based on ACI 318-08 |
26 | Plain Concrete Footing | Plain Concrete Footing Design Based on ACI 318-08 |
27 | Restrained Retaining Wall | Restrained Retaining Masonry & Concrete Wall Design Based on TMS 402 & ACI 318 |
28 | Retaining Wall for DSA /OSHPD | Retaining Wall Design Based on CBC 10 Chapter A |
29 | Tank Footing | Tank Footing Design Based on ACI 318-08 |
30 | Temporary Footing for Rectangular Tank | Temporary Tank Footing Design Based on ACI 318-08 |
31 | Under Ground Well | Under Ground Well Design Based on ACI 350-06 & ACI 318-08 |
32 | Stud Bearing Wall Footing | Footing Design for Stud Bearing Wall Based on IBC 09 / ACI 318-08 |
33 | Wall Footing | Footing Design of Shear Wall Based on ACI 318-08 |
34 | Fixed Moment Condition | Fixed Moment Condition Design Based on ACI 318-08 |
35 | Flood Way | Concrete Floodway Design Based on ACI 350-06 & ACI 318-08 |
36 | Lateral Earth Pressure | Lateral Earth Pressure of Rigid Wall Based on AASHTO 17th & 2009 IBC |
37 | Shoring | Sheet Pile Wall Design Based on IBC 09 / CBC 10 / ACI 318-08 |
38 | Composite Element Durability | Composite Element Design Based on AISC 360-05 & ACI 318-08 |
Share with you all of my excel files which I collected.Leave me your comment below if the links have problems.
Enjoy it!
Source: www.engineering-international.com
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